
A bit more about me

I’m a Front-End Developer, UI/UX Designer and a Freelance Graphic Designer based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. I’m the type of a girl who prefers blue over pink. Also a bit of a weirdo with a knack to find easier and better ways to solve every problem (I mean even cleaning my own room). I solemnly believe that design and creativity can make peoples’ lives much easier than it already is. I like everything organized in a way that I don’t have to remember much. I’m a determined and hard working soul who believes we can change our destinies as we deem fit.

Everything started when I was looking for a part-time job in my first year of college. Back then I didn’t know what I wanted to do with the rest of my life though I knew I enjoyed creative work. One of my friends suggested looking for something to do in Fiverr. He was doing some stuff with design so I tried that as well and I fell in love with design in my first job. With that I became a Freelance Graphic Designer which later led to my career advancement as a UI/UX Designer and a Front-End Developer after that.

After my internship, I started working remotely as a Junior UI/UX Designer. Later I was also employed in a software start-up as both UI/UX and Graphic Designer. All of these roles have helped me in great deal to fine tune my skills in digital design, working in a fast paced, high-pressure environment, empathizing with people, doing research and analysis, identifying goals and needs, and efficiently finding solutions to a broad variety of problems and user pain points. Outside of my full-time commitments, I still work with a selected freelance client base to create amazing products and solutions.

My life so far has shaped me up to be optimistic, determined and hard working. I grew up with two younger brothers so I have a lifetime of practice being a team player. All the milestones and accomplishments in my life once appeared to be impossible. You can say I’m a sailor made of a rough sea.

My Skill Set

My Believes

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